
دانلود سریال ، آهنگ


دانلود سریال ، آهنگ

File:Suspicious PartnerPoster.jpg

آهنگ تیزر


ost part 1


ost part 2

O.WHEN _How Do I Say It?

ost part3

 Ra.D - The Same Day

ost part4

cheeze _how about you

ost part5

ترجمه انگلیسی آهنگ پارت 10 با صدای جی چانگ ووک

Ji Chang Wook – 101 Reasons Why I Like You

There are so many reasons that I like you
I’ll run out of breath if I list every one
You can count up to 101 but it won’t end
But tonight, I’ll sit you down and tell you all of them

One, you have a lot of tears
You’re pretty when you cry
Second, you’re like a kid
When you smile
Third, your heart
Fourth, your heart
All of you is so pretty
You make a reason for all of my actions

When I see you, I wanna hug you
I wanna tell you about my day
The more I see you
The more my heart goes to you
The prettier you get

When I see you, my lips keep going to you
That’s how you make me act
So what other reason can I tell you?

I have no other greed
I like things right now
Being with you
Just wanna hug you like now
Just wanna see you like today
Every day, I wanna be with you

When I see you, I wanna hug you
I wanna tell you about my day
The more I see you
The more my heart goes to you
The prettier you get

When I see you, my lips keep going to you
That’s how you make me act
So what other reason can I tell you?

There are so many reasons that I like you
You can count up to 101 but it won’t end

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